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    How to Get Auto Insurance Without a License?

    How to Get Auto Insurance Without a License?

    How to Get Auto Insurance Without a License

    Do you need to have a driver’s license to get auto insurance? Well, you actually don’t. The thing is many reputed auto insurance companies make it a requirement as it’s easier for them to track and collect their customers’ driving records from the DMV.

    Another reason is people with a driving license are legally allowed to drive so they are less prone to auto accidents unlike unlicensed drivers, or drivers with a suspended license.

    In most US States except New Hampshire, and Virginia, it is mandatory for you to have auto insurance to own and register a vehicle.

    So, even if you’re not driving, you must have an auto insurance policy for owning a vehicle. While some auto insurance companies may not be willing to provide auto insurance without a license, there are others that do.

    So, in this article you will learn how to get auto insurance without a license and the reasons to have auto insurance even without a license.

    How to Get Auto Insurance Without a License?

    Getting auto insurance without a license isn’t easy, and it can often get quite challenging. Plus, you may have to spend more to collect additional documents, approvals, and certificates. The overall process can be quite lengthy, and time consuming.

    But it’s not impossible either, in fact if you take the right steps, and if you follow the guidelines suggested by our industry experts then you shouldn’t have much of a problem getting your auto insurance even without a license.

    Find Smaller, and Regional Auto Insurance Companies

    Usually large or reputed auto insurance companies are more concerned about their brand image than acquiring new customers. So, nationwide, our top auto insurance providers may refuse to provide you with auto insurance if you don’t have a license, or if your license is currently suspended.

    But auto insurance companies, especially the ones that operate within a particular region, or locally at a smaller scale may be more welcoming to sell auto insurance without a license.

    So, if you’re looking for auto insurance companies online that provide one without a license, try to search using more specific words.

    For example, if you’re located in Michigan, you can search for something like Auto Insurance Agency in Michigan, Auto Insurance Agency Michigan, Car Insurance Agency Michigan, or Auto Insurance Agencies Near Me/Nearby.

    It’s better if you narrow your search down by cities or towns like Best Insurance Agency in Flint, Affordable Insurance Agency in Saginaw, or Affordable Insurance Agency in Mt Pleasant.

    Apart from using region-based search queries, you can also refer to public forums, or community sites like Reddit, and Quora.

    Hire an Auto Insurance Broker or Independent Agent

    Sometimes it can get challenging even to find auto insurance agencies on your own that provide insurance without a license. Plus, it’s also necessary to ensure whether the auto insurance agency is reliable, especially if you have to proceed with smaller or less reputable companies.

    You can consider hiring an auto insurance broker, or an independent agent to help you find a reliable auto insurance company. The best thing about auto insurance brokers is that they’re affiliated with multiple insurance companies.

    So, it will be a lot easier, and more time efficient for them to find regional auto insurance companies that provide auto insurance without a license. Plus, you can get professional tips and guidelines from your auto insurance broker.

    Additionally, if you need help with the application process, and collecting the required documents you can ask your auto insurance broker to do it for you. This will save you from the hassle of lengthy processes.

    Try to work with an experienced auto insurance broker as they tend to have more influence on auto insurance companies within their network. In this way, it will boost your chances of getting auto insurance without a license.

    Enlist Someone Else as the Primary Driver

    If you’re not willing to drive, or if you’re unable to due to a health issue then you can enlist someone else as your vehicle’s primary driver. So, if that person has a driving license, it will be easier for you to get auto insurance.

    Then again to maximize your chances, it is recommended that you enlist a person who has a clean driving record. It’s even better if the person is an adult, preferably between the ages of 25 to 40.

    This will not only help you increase your chances to get auto insurance, but it will also help you get a better deal on your monthly or annual insurance premium.

    Typically, many auto insurance companies require that the primary driver should be a member of your household, yet again the policies may vary from one company to another.

    Add a Co-Owner to Your Vehicle’s Registration

    Another effective way to boost your chances of getting an auto insurance without a license is to add a co-owner to your vehicle’s registration. By doing so, you’re officially declaring a shared responsibility for the vehicle.

    Also based on the driving records, insurance history, credit score, age, and your relationship with the co-owner the policies of the auto insurance company may be in your favor.

    In most states, you must file a form at the DMV to register another person as the vehicle's co-owner. If you’re married, then it would be wise to have your spouse registered as the co-owner.

    Based on industry trends so far, married couples are usually seen as more responsible policyholders, so on that note having your spouse as the official co-owner of your vehicle can tremendously increase your chances.

    Plus, you may get bundle offers, or multi-vehicle auto insurance packages especially designed for couples. So, this will help you save up the cost on insurance premiums.

    Buy a Parked Car Insurance

    If you’re storing your vehicle in the garage, or in a safe parking place for a long period of time, then you can consider getting parked car insurance. This type of auto insurance will be relatively easier to purchase especially if you can prove that you’re not able to drive for the time being.

    Or, if you’re travelling abroad, or somewhere far for a couple of months or so, and you need to keep your car stored in your garage on that note you’re also eligible for car parking insurance.

    Plus, if you’re a car collector, and you don’t intend to drive them and just keep them stored in the garage, it is also a good idea to get parked car insurance.

    Typically, this insurance is designed to protect vehicles that are parked in a garage space, so unlike other insurance policies, it does not apply if you have an accident on the road while driving.

    If you want to keep the vehicle under your ownership, then you need to have auto insurance. So, even if you’re not driving the vehicle having parked car insurance is among the best choices for you, especially given the fact that you don’t have a license.

    Parked car insurance will cover damages in events that are beyond your control like vehicle damage due to weather conditions, fire hazards, theft and vandalism.

    Many auto insurance companies require you to have your vehicle stored for at least 30 days to be eligible for this insurance policy.

    Get a State Issued ID Card from Your Local DMV

    Some auto insurance companies might ask you to provide an alternative document if you don’t have a driving license. In this case, they could ask you to provide a State Issued ID Card.

    If you’re not aware of what a State Issued ID Card is, it is an alternative ID card provided by the DMV typically used for verification, and identification purposes. With a State Issued ID card, you’re not legally allowed to drive, but it can be sufficient for auto insurance companies to verify and authenticate your information.

    And, as it’s an ID generated, and approved by the DMV, many auto insurance companies acknowledge the legitimacy of this document.

    To strengthen your auto insurance application, you can submit a State Issued ID card. It depends on auto insurance company’s policies whether they will accept it, but even many auto insurance companies do.

    So, it’s better to have it to boost your chances of getting auto insurance without a license.

    Get SR-22 or F44 Certificate if Your License Has Been Suspended or Revoked

    If your driving license has been suspended for traffic violations like reckless driving, driving under the influence (DUI/DWI), hit and run accidents, or not paying for speeding tickets and fines in due time then it may be quite difficult for you to get an auto insurance.

    Plus, if there are other reasons like failure to appear in court for traffic related offenses, or for the possession of drugs, and other narcotics that may make your situation from bad to worse.

    All these violations typically make you a huge red flag to auto insurance companies as it gives a clear impression that you are not a responsible driver, and you are highly likely to get into an auto accident in the future.

    In this case, you will have to show evidence of how you are improving yourself to be a more responsible citizen. And, also let them know that you are trying to get your driving license back, and you will do so as soon as you can.

    If you can convince them then you can request to apply for SR-22 certificate, or F-44 certificate. This is a special type of auto insurance for drivers whose license has been suspended or revoked. But also keep in mind that the insurance rate of SR-22 or F-44 can increase your annual rates by 50%to 70%.

    The SR-22 or F-44 insurance is a combination of liability insurance, personal injury protection insurance, collision insurance, comprehensive insurance, medical payments (medpay) insurance, and uninsured/underinsured motor vehicle insurance.

    SR-22, and F-44 insurance are basically the same, the term SR-22 is in every US State except Florida, and Virginia, so in these two states SR-22 is known as F-44. There is one significant difference though, F-44 requires a minimum liability coverage of $100,000. So, it can significantly cost you more depending on the state you’re in.

    Ending Remarks: Should I Get Auto Insurance Without a License?

    At the end of the day, it all comes down to your needs and budget. Surely, getting auto insurance without a license is not easy, there are many complex steps that you need to follow. It can be stressful, time-consuming and very expensive. 

    On top of that, if you need to hire an auto insurance broker, it can cost you a lot more depending on your profile, and the situation you’re in. If the court, or if the state orders you to get SR-22 or F-44 insurance, then at least you can avoid some of the complicated steps.

    But if you own a vehicle then you’re legally required to have auto insurance. So, if you own a vehicle, it's highly advisable to get auto insurance, even without a license.

    If you think that you can’t afford one right now, you should either sell your vehicle, or transfer ownership to someone else. So ultimately, the decision is up to you, whether you’re willing to go through the hassle, and bear the expenses, or surrender the ownership of your vehicle.

    We understand how painful it can be, so as an auto insurance company in Michigan, we try our best to help anyone struggling to obtain insurance within their budget. So, if you need help, please contact us, and we will look into your profile, and see how we can help you out.


    Can you get auto insurance without a license?

    Yes, you can. There isn’t any law that restricts you from getting insurance even without a license. In fact, it is legally mandatory to have auto insurance to own a vehicle in almost every state in the US. It typically depends on the policies of insurance companies.

    How to get auto insurance without a license?

    To get auto insurance without a license you will have to find auto insurance companies that provide one. Plus, you can hire an auto insurance broker, enlist someone else as the primary driver, add a co-owner to your vehicle’s registration, obtain parked insurance, apply for state ID card, and get a SR-22 or F-44 certificate.

    Where can I get auto insurance without a license?

    You can get auto insurance without a license anywhere in the USA, you just have to find an auto insurance company that’s willing to provide one.

    Can you buy car insurance with a suspended license?

    Yes, you can but in that case, you need to get a SR-22 in most US states, or F-44 insurance in Florida or Virginia.

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